Criterion A: Extended Inquiry & Analysis - Interviewing Potential Clients

Considering that waterproof headphones will be mostly targeted at the younger generation, seeing as they are the ones that will be more interested in seeking entertainment whilst doing exercise, I decided to interview one of my classmates – Kimiya Najafi, who has also been taking swimming lessons in PE along with the rest of the grade, to get an outside opinion and a clearer view on what consumers of this product might be looking for – with some analysis, this will allow me to understand what is expected of the product by customers, and how so they face problems in sports without it.

1)   Is swimming a topic in PE that you enjoy doing?
Swimming is something I very much enjoy during PE – in fact, I thik everyone looks forward to it at the end of the year, I mean it’s just so fun!

2)   Are there some things that you wish you could change or have when swimming?
Well, that’s not something I’ve thought about too specifically, however I think that we all wish listening to music was something that’s possible in the pool. I know that the teachers always play music from the stereo, but you don’t really pay attention to it underwater, really. And you can’t listen to your favourite songs when someone else hates that genre because the music is for the whole class.

3)   Speaking of swim gear in general, what are some things you feel that you don’t have with the swim gear we use at the moment?
Well, we pretty much have everything we need, although my hair is somehow never dry underneath my swim cap, and water always seeps through my ears – it’s really uncomfortable. I would also really like to be able to bring my iPod with me to the pool, but that’s not really practical, is it, considering the water.

4)   Recalling the synchronized swimming assessment we did last year, how do you feel you did? Did you face any difficulties with the equipment you had?
I don’t really think that we had much of a problem in my group, we all knew how to use our equipment really well, the only thing we faced a little difficulty with was keeping in time with the music playing from the stereo – for one thing, none of us could hear it underwater, and so we kept messing up and doing our parts too quickly, before the cue in the music, so we all looked unsynchronized, which is a problem when you’re trying to do synchronized swimming. Also, whenever we messed up, we had to wait for the music to estart before we continued – we couldn’t just change it, seeing as the whole class was sharing it – that wasted a lot of our time.

5)   Do you think that there could be some sort of product that could be sold that would help you with this issue? Such as waterproof music devices, perhaps?
That’s actually a really good idea! Although, we don’t really need actual devices that are waterproof, as waterproof phones already exist, and we could use those for music, but what we really need is waterproof headphones so we can plug it in and listen to the music straight in our ears. This way, we can listen to our own favourite songs, and pause/play or repeat whenever we want.

6)   Comfort-wise, or even just based on convenience, which do you think you would prefer to use when swimming, headphones or earphones?
While earphones are much more portable, and they would probably slot into your ears better underneath your swim cap, I think convenience-wise, headphones would be better when swimming, seeing as they both block your ears and stop water from getting inside them, as well as the fact that the can’t be pulled out of your ears mid-swim like earphones probably would.

7)   Is getting sick from having water in your ears a common thing that you face when we do swimming in PE lessons?
Oh, definitely, every time we swim I get water in my ears, sometimes even to the point where it completely blocks them and all I can hear is this weird ringing noise. This always leads to a cold too; I’m always sniffling in the other lessons afterwards.

8)   You mentioned having phones and MP3 players as music devices earlier on, how do you feel about having them on your person along with headphones when swimming? Actually, how about using iPods during sport in general?
Come to think of it, having an iPod on you when swimming must be really bulky and uncomfortable – they keep slipping and sliding even when I’m using them aboveground, let alone even imagining using them underwater! I find that I’m always running awkwardly, with my back really straight and tense to stop my iPod from falling off and pulling my earphones with them! Having an iPod attached to your swimsuit would really restrict your actions subconsciously, I think.

9)   Do you think listening to music while swimming would help you in anyway? Who else do you think would feel the same way as you?
Well, music always encourages and motivates you when you’re tired. I find that a good beat can keep you pumped up and more energetic than you would be when you’re physically exerting yourself. I think most people in the world would agree, I mean take this as an example: you can always see everyone’s enthusisasm when there’s music playing on sports day – if you think about it, without the music, ‘enthusiastic’ is the last thing anyone would be after running around the whole day – I believe this applies to anyone who is under the age of forty, teenagers and young adults in general, as we are mainly the ones who do sport, and have an interest in recent music.

10)                   You mentioned that having an iPod or phone attached to you isn’t exactly ideal when doing sport – do you think any improvement could be made to the headphones to get rid of the extra devices in general?
All you really even require your phone for when listening to music is to store all your songs in one place. If we were trying to get rid of using them for that purpose in general, then I guess one way would be to make the headphones/earphones you’re using wireless so you don’t have to plug it in, then linking or syncing it with your iTunes library so it can hold and play songs for you later whenever you’re doing sport without the extra device. Either this, or you could make it WiFi-connectable, so that you can download and store songs from online for later.

Based on my analysis of the answers I got from this interview, I can say that waterproof headphones really are feasible for this project – they address a problem in sport that hasn’t been addressed yet before, as they provide a source of motivation and encouragement for swimmers, and if I design them so that some of the other things that is required to solve this issue are involved, they could be of great use to other sportspeople as well – for example, a few ideas I have right now are to give it features such as the following so that they can be wireless, and consumers can use them without the extra bulk of a music-playing device:
·      Bluetooth – this will allow consumers to transfer music files directly to the headphones storage library from other devices
·      iTunes Sync – Users of Apple that purchase this product will be able to sync the songs that they already have in their iTunes library to the headphones
·      WiFi-Enabled – Access to WiFi will allow users to download music files diractly from the Internet

From some of the answers, I can see that, with tightly sealed speakers, the headphones will prove as a more hygienic alternative to the earplugs that some people use when swimming to stop water from entering and blocking their ears, making them sick later on. I now know that one thing I need to focus on improving the headphones with is their portability and how they fit it with the rest of one’s swim attire. An extra thing I can work on later, during the Create phase of the project is making the final product with brighter themed colours, seeing as my outside source believes that this product will most appeal to teenagers and young adults – the format in which I advertise my product must be targeted at the younger generation.

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